
What if Big Oil championed—and profited from—the green transition? Here's how it could work

Like the petroleum industry itself, households are heavily invested in existing transport technologies. Getting oil and gas companies—and consumers—to switch to zero-emissions transport is a huge challenge.

We can't presume battery electric vehicles (EVs) will displace fossil fuel vehicles any time soon. They are not accessible to most households and don't offer radically better transport services. They drive on the same congested roads with the same speed limits.

On the supply side, electrifying entire transport fleets requires major infrastructure expansions. Even with strong demand, such infrastructures will struggle to displace Big Oil's dominant and affordable alternative.

It's a classic chicken-and-egg predicament. Consumers and vehicle makers won't switch unless they are confident the required refueling infrastructures will be available. But those infrastructures won't materialize without sufficient demand.

Repurposing existing infrastructure to supply clean fuels could convince both consumers and vehicle manufacturers to make the switch. But what would that take?

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