
Watch out for cancer signs in children, doctor urges parents

She said “Our greatest challenge in cancer management in children is that by the time they come for treatment, they come very late. The disease has spread to other parts of the body and the percentage of care has become very low, what should have had a 90 per cent rate of cure becomes five percent of cure.

“Parents should not wait for an abnormal growth of cancers in their children’s bodies to grow very big before seeking appropriate care. Parents should also stop using native treatment for tumors, this is because by the time they present to the hospital they have exhausted all their money without a cure.”

According to her, children do have cancers just like adults, and cancers develop in body cells which are present in both adults and children.

“Cancer simply means uncontrolled multiplication of body cells. The common sites of cancer in children are the eyes, the kidneys, the blood, and the lymph nodes. For eye cancer, the early signs include a speck in the child’s eye that looks like a cataract; a tumor growing in the retina.

“In some children, early signs of cancers include growth appearing in certain parts of the body; it can be on the neck or stomach. It can be anywhere. Once you see any abnormal growth anywhere in your child’s body. Let the child be taken to the hospital for examination.

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