
Unleash and boost your productivity with Generative AI

One tangible benefit of Generative AI is in content creation. Whether you‘re a student, a professional or a stay-at-home parent, crafting well-articulated text can be time-consuming. [iStockphoto]

Imagine rushing through your to-do list while dashing across Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, because you have a personal commitment in Ngara that can‘t wait.

You‘re trying to complete a task on your phone, hoping this isn‘t the day it gets snatched by an unscrupulous character, at least not until you‘ve submitted an important email.

Then, someone stops you near City Market and asks if you‘d like a smart assistant who doesn‘t take tea and mandazi breaks, is available 24/7, and becomes more useful the more you use them by learning about you.

Most of us would likely tell them to walk away quickly, thinking they reminded us of Juha Kalulu, a crafty cartoon character created by the late great Edward Gicheru Gitau.

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