
ULS polls: A pivotal election for the legal fraternity

Uganda Law Society (ULS) members head to the polls today with two distinctly different set of choices. On the one hand is Isaac Atukunda largely seen as establishment candidate.

On the other hand is the candidature of Isaac Kimaze Ssemakadde that has spawned colourful terms like stiletto lawyers whilst promising to break ranks with a colonial past in a bid to usher in “a radical new bar.”

Ssemakadde, who christened himself legal rebel and once wore dreadlocks, has—perhaps surprisingly—seen his polarising campaign win the approval of heavyweights in Uganda’s legal sector like Busingye Kabumba, who teaches Constitutional Law at the country’s oldest law school in Makerere.

Ivan Okuda, an advocate, describes today’s poll as “a patriotic call of duty” that offers a choice “between progressive forces who think ULS can do better in defence [and] protection of the Ugandan public [and] rule of law [and] those who want a status quo of a dormant ULS that’s a walking stick for power [and] privilege.


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