
Ugandan judiciary urged to address delayed prosecution

Joseph Kabuleta, President of the National Economic Transformation Dialogue (NEED), has called on the judiciary to find solutions to the persistent delays in hearing and prosecuting cases. He emphasized that the current system significantly affects defendants, who often spend extensive time attending court sessions without any progress in their cases.

Speaking to this publication, Mr Kabuleta highlighted the delays in his own case, in which he was charged with promoting sectarianism, a crime he allegedly committed on May 30, 2020. Despite being arrested on November 28, 2022, and brought to court on November 30, 2022, the case has yet to be resolved.

"I was arrested on November 28, 2022, brought to court on November 30, 2022, and granted bail on December 4, 2023. Since then, the case has been pending, and I have been appearing in court very frequently," he said.

Although bail conditions prevent him from commenting directly on the case, Mr Kabuleta urged the government and the judiciary to deliver a final judgment on September 4. He expressed frustration over the time and resources wasted due to the prolonged prosecution.

NEED spokesperson Moses Matovu echoed these concerns, expressing dissatisfaction with both the manner of Kabuleta's arrest and the delayed judgment. "We have been to Nakawa Court more than five times, and every time the case is adjourned because there are no witnesses," he said.

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