
Tooro leaders, EC members call for electoral reforms to limit campaign spending

A group of stakeholders, leaders from Tooro sub-region and members of the Electoral Commission (EC), are calling on legislators to consider tabling electoral reforms, including regulations to control the use of money by candidates during election campaigns, to mitigate conflicts associated with financial influence.

During the inception meeting for the Ugandans for Peace Project, organized by KRC-Uganda in Fort Portal City on July 30 aimed at mitigating conflict in the 2026 general elections, the stakeholders expressed concerns about certain aspirant candidates already engaging in alleged voter bribery. They emphasize the need for regulation to prevent potential escalation of conflicts during the election.

The Kasese District EC returning officer, Mr Ismail Takih Atwijukire, said that the Electoral Commission is starting to implement the roadmap for elections but the persistent challenge over the past years that escalated into conflicts is the lack of regulation on the use of money in election campaigns due to the absence of a law.

“Commercialization of politics by candidates is the root cause of conflicts during elections. I hear some Members of Parliament spend over Shs 1 billion to get elected. We don’t have any law to regulate that; candidates are free to spend as they wish. How do you expect such candidates to deliver services?” he said.

He adds that as the Electoral Commission, they do not have any law to guide people on spending money during campaigns urging legislators to enact a law that regulates campaign expenditures.

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