
Tinubu deserves credit for not deploying federal might in Rivers, Kano, others

Well, challenging times, one will say. I also recognise that there was a legal challenge after the presidential election. That is to be expected in the history of elections in Nigeria, whether at the local government, state, or federal level. It is always anticipated that the opposition party will seek recourse in the law court. So, that was factored in. It is a very strong possibility that the party that lost the election may seek justice in court.

Having said that, our party has always recognised the fact that the current challenging economic environment has not in any way got better. But we do recognise when Mr President took over, he asked Nigerians not to pity him. It is an office that he craved, worked hard for it, and offered himself to provide leadership to Nigeria.

It is that leadership Nigerians are looking forward to. So, the past year has been a learning curve and helping the government to come to a determination on what needs to be done to steer the ship of the state in the direction that will address the immediate needs of the Nigerian people, put food on the table, shelter over their head, and of course, provide security and protection for life and property in Nigeria.

I think that it’s been tough times. But we hope that as we get into the second year, the building blocks that have been put in place will begin to show traction in the directions that Nigerians will see.

Many are of the view that Nigerians are running out of patience. How much longer do they have to wait for the promised dividend of democracy?

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