
Three officials arrested over alleged misuse of PDM, Emyoga funds

The Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Ntungamo, Ms Rosemary Atuheire, on Thursday ordered the arrest of three leaders from PDM and Emyoga SACCOs for allegedly embezzling funds meant for beneficiaries and soliciting bribes to process their loans.

The arrested individuals include Augustine Abenaitwe, PDM Chairperson for Kayenje Parish in Rweikiniro Sub-county; Aramathan Kwega from Rukanga Parish in Nyabihoko Sub-county; and Remigio Tumwiine, Chairperson of the Boda Boda Emyoga SACCO in Ruhaama Main County.

The trio was handed over to police after a visit to the SACCO offices by the Deputy RDC, following numerous complaints from beneficiaries. The arrests were made after they failed to refund the missing funds.

“We engaged them, and by Monday, they had refunded the money they had misappropriated. One refunded Shs2.5m, another Shs 750,000, and the third returned Shs10m of the Shs25m he had taken from the Ruhaama Boda Boda SACCO. We appreciate the efforts of the police and local leaders in enforcing the recovery of these funds,” Ms Atuheire told Monitor.

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