
Thinning choices for Gachagua as impeachment reality hits home

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua attended a sunday service at ACK St Patrick's Kayole in Nairobi County. [DPCS]

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is a man stuck between a rock and a hard place. There are dire consequences which could kill his political career whichever option he takes.

Now that an estimated 142 Members of Parliament have appended their signatures to a motion intended to impeach him, the Deputy President has only two options: resign and live to fight another day or brave the impeachment and hope that in the event he is sent home, he will find reprieve in court.

There is also a third option of swallowing his pride, going to his boss and apologising profusely, pledging never again to contradict him and hope that President William Ruto will accept his apology and forgive him. But time is running out.

The country is waiting to see which option he takes.

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