
The people of Gaza belong in Palestine – not Canada or DRC

Fulfilling the Palestinian right of return can address the need for temporary relocation of the population to rebuild Gaza.

It has been 11 months of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. The official death toll has exceeded 40,000 people but estimates put it much higher – in the hundreds of thousands. Intensifying starvation, and lack of sanitary conditions or clean water and medicines have caused mass death among the elderly, wounded, newborn, and chronically ill.

Gaza has been turned into such a death trap that even if Israeli bombing were to stop tomorrow, those numbers would continue to rise for years. Simply trucking in more food would not stem mass death.

Without clean water, toilets, and sewage disposal and treatment, without functioning hospitals and without an environment decontaminated from pathogens and poisons from Israeli bombs, people will continue to die from communicable diseases, chronic illnesses, and pollution.

Israel and its supporters have used such concerns to push forward “solutions” which involve the mass expulsion and dispossession of the Palestinian population in Gaza.

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