
The peace appeals of Israel’s Western enablers are a cynical charade

For the West, Lebanese lives are as disposable as Palestinian lives. Its calls for a ceasefire are no more than a sham.

You cannot negotiate a ceasefire, let alone peace, with a man who prefers to wage war.

That is the conundrum facing a host of suddenly fretting Western leaders, led by retiring US President Joe Biden, who insist – publicly, at least – that they are working hard to prevent another, cataclysmic war from engulfing the Middle East.

Let’s pretend for a moment that their “concerns” are sincere. Then, these same Western leaders ought to acknowledge finally that they are, in large measure, responsible for that pressing conundrum.

Long before October 7, 2023, Biden and company have, at every turn, enabled, armed, and provided diplomatic cover for their “man” in Tel Aviv – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government.

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