
Support systems lacking as poisoning cases soar in Eastern Uganda

Fionah Auma, not real name, a resident of Busia District, was in 2019 chased from her husband's home by her in-laws after he died of hepatitis B.

Auma says her in-laws claimed she had no right to stay at their late brother's home because she had not borne him children.

Smarting with pain from the loss of her husband and the frustration from her in-laws, Auma bought poison and took it in a bid to end her life. Luckily, she was rushed to a nearby hospital, was given medication and survived.

Many people in Uganda who get frustrated often poison themselves to end their lives, according to a recent study.

A 2022/2023 report by the Directorate of Government Analytical Laboratory shows poisoning contributing to more than 11.4 deaths per 100,000 people annually.

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