
Study shows AI could lead to inconsistent outcomes in home surveillance

A new study from researchers at MIT and Penn State University reveals that if large language models were to be used in home surveillance, they could recommend calling the police even when surveillance videos show no criminal activity.

In addition, the models the researchers studied were inconsistent in which videos they flagged for police intervention. For instance, a model might flag one video that shows a vehicle break-in but not flag another video that shows a similar activity. Models often disagreed with one another over whether to call the police for the same video.

Furthermore, the researchers found that some models flagged videos for police intervention relatively less often in neighborhoods where most residents are white, controlling for other factors. This shows that the models exhibit inherent biases influenced by the demographics of a neighborhood, the researchers say.

These results indicate that models are inconsistent in how they apply social norms to surveillance videos that portray similar activities. This phenomenon, which the researchers call norm inconsistency, makes it difficult to predict how models would behave in different contexts.

"The move-fast, break-things modus operandi of deploying generative AI models everywhere, and particularly in high-stakes settings, deserves much more thought since it could be quite harmful," says co-senior author Ashia Wilson.

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