
Study reveals impact of homework on student achievement in math and science

Researchers at Maynooth University's Hamilton Institute and Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Ireland have unveiled significant findings on the role of homework in student achievement. The research, led by Prof Andrew Parnell, Nathan McJames and Prof Ann O'Shea, used a new AI model to analyze data from the "Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study" (TIMSS 2019).

Focusing on 4,118 Irish students in their second year of secondary school, the research assessed the impact of varying homework patterns on their mathematics and science performance.

The study titled, "Little and often: Causal inference machine learning demonstrates the benefits of homework for improving achievement in mathematics and science" was published in the journal Learning and Instruction.

It offers new evidence on how homework frequency and duration affect academic performance among Irish secondary school students.

Frequency over duration

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