
Sickle cell and inclusion in the workplace: A personal story

The irony is a bitter pill to swallow. Here I am, a seasoned veteran person, who has poured her heart into this company; pushing through fatigue just to meet deadlines. Yet, my illness is twisted into a narrative of unreliability. The isolation caused by whispers and judgmental glances cuts deep. Colleagues, once friendly, now seem wary.

But amidst the frustration, a fire ignites within. This isn’t just my story; it is the story of countless others living with SCD, who face similar prejudice in the workplace. We are more than our illnesses. We are dedicated, skilled individuals. This isn’t a search for sympathy; it’s a fight for equity and fairness. Many years of proven ability shouldn’t be negated by a chronic condition. For those not in the know, SCD is a critical, chronic illness that can significantly impact a person’s life, including their work, amongst other issues.

Unfortunately, many employees living with SCD face misunderstandings and prejudice due to their health. This often leads to a perception of poor performance, even when the employee is dedicated and competent. Here’s what most people should know; after all.

One in four Nigerians carry the Sickle cell trait. The severity of SCD varies from person to person. While some experience occasional flare-ups, others face more frequent and debilitating episodes. SCD flare-ups can come on suddenly, requiring employees to miss work unexpectedly. The pain is excruciating and involves lots of trauma to the body and the mind.

Sometimes, some employees with SCD come to work despite how they are feeling. With too many missed days they cannot afford to get better at home, despite how much they need the rest. Isolation and ostracism within the workplace can further impact morale and one’s mental health, further exacerbating stress, and leading to an SC crisis. Even between episodes, SCD can cause chronic fatigue, impacting an employee’s energy levels. You may have noticed days in which an employee living with SCD is active and another day, they were quiet, forgetful, and making simple mistakes.

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