
Protesters storm Mexico’s Senate to disrupt judicial reform debate

Hundreds of protesters broke into Mexico’s Senate as lawmakers weighed a radical reform to overhaul the country’s judiciary, forcing the upper house to take a temporary recess for the safety of the senators.

The shutdown came just hours after Mexico’s ruling party, Morena, wrangled the votes it needed to push through the proposal after one member of an opposition party flipped to support it.

That move and other political manoeuvering ahead of a vote on the plan championed by outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador fuelled even more outrage after weeks of protests by judicial employees and law students.

The Senate gave general approval to the plan that critics fear could threaten the rule of law and damage the economy early on Wednesday with 86 to 41 votes in favour.

The body will now move to debating reservations raised by lawmakers before giving final approval to the reform which passed the lower house last week.

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