
Protesters should not violate people’s freedom of movement – Don

Is there a way we can have a structure like that of the United Kingdom, where they have a particular square where people usually go for demonstrations? We can have such places in each of the states where people who want to demonstrate or protest can go. Just like when political parties are doing their campaigns, they set up structures with equipment and speak about their grievances to the government. Why that thought came into my mind is simply that with digitalisation, what do you want to express? You want to express dissatisfaction with what is happening, which will be publicised by the press showing your largeness in number. I think this structure of protest will be good because it will be orderly and you will be easily protected.

We know our cities are not properly planned and we have people who have their businesses by the roadsides. So, if you have a large crowd doing a procession, it is going to violate the rights of others. Businesses will be disrupted and vehicles will be obstructed because of your protest, thereby affecting those going to their office.

Instead, can we have this demonstration in a particular place? It will allow the police to properly make provisions for the security of the protesters since it’s going to be a peaceful demonstration. All you want the government to know is that you are angry and you want the press to cover you. All these can be done in a definite location and not the streets.

How do you react to the claim by the police in the past that protesters should seek permission before engaging in protests?

There is no way. Cases after cases have said you cannot have a right and then take permission from the police to go and demonstrate. Freedom of association is there. You are free to associate with whoever you like to associate with. So, you cannot stop my demonstration by saying I must get a permit. However, you must also not violate other people’s freedom of movement because of your protest. There is no right that is absolute. As you have the right of movement and association, other people also have their rights. If you are using the road, others also have the right to use the main road.

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