
Price of salt to go up after Supreme Court dismisses tax case

Kenyans might have to pay more for salt after the Supreme Court struck out a case filed by a manufacturer in a tax battle.

Supreme Court Judges Philomena Mwilu, Mohammed Ibrahim, Smokin Wanjala, and Isaac Lenaola unanimously found the court had no powers to hear the case filed by Krystalline Limited.

The manufacturer moved to the Supreme Court after it was ordered by the Court of Appeal to pay Sh185 million for almost 10 years it mined salt without paying Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) charges.

Court of Appeal Judges Daniel Musinga, Hellen Omondi, and Ngenye Macharia affirmed a judgment by Environment and Lands Court Judge Kossy Bor that salt companies should pay for the seawater used while extracting salt.

In its case, the company argued that the amount it was ordered to pay would cripple its operations.

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