
Poor living longer, rich dying younger

In a tale of two lifestyles and mixed fortunes, some richer Ugandans are dying earlier while their poorer counterparts are living longer.

Our analysis of two separate reports from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Ubos) and another from the World Bank show that people in regions with high poverty rates live longer than those in areas with lower poverty rates and better access to social services.

We compared twin data from Ubos 2022 Multidimensional Poverty Index report and the 2024 National Population and Housing Census report released in Kampala on Thursday last week, and the 2023 World Bank poverty report.

The multidimensional poverty index measures the deprivation people face in accessing education, healthcare and employment.

In eastern and northern regions, which have poverty rates of 40 percent and above, people on average live 70 years and above. But in central and western regions, which have lower poverty rates of between 15 and 26 percent, the life expectancy is 63 and 64.7, respectively, according to the census and World Bank reports.

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