
Paying more for policing doesn't stop or reduce crime, say researchers

In 2023, the cost of policing to Canadian taxpayers closed in on $20 billion for the first time. While annual police budgets continue to grow, there is little debate in the media about its cost to taxpayers and the value for money in relation to crime reduction.

This 50% increase over inflation in the cost of policing from 20 years ago is now coinciding with disturbing increases in violent crime. Homicides are up, stoking public fear. Violent crime has returned to levels seen 20 years ago. Canada's homicide rate is second only to the United States among G7 countries, and is rising as the American rate drops.

The rate of homicide involving Indigenous victims is six times that of non-Indigenous people, and it's three times higher for Black men.

With one in three women experiencing some form of violence in their lifetimes, intimate partner and sexual violence is now recognized as being at epidemic levels.

More money not leading to less crime

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