
Parliament can sit anywhere, says Speaker Among

Parliament Speaker Annet Anita Among has described Members of Parliament who intend to boycott the regional parliamentary sittings as "losers," saying the House can conduct plenary from anywhere.

Planned parliamentary regional sittings opened on Tuesday with multiple field activities, including a visit to the burial site of former Speaker (late) Jacob Oulanyah in Omoro District. Among led parliamentarians through a series of activities that included the opening of a medical camp at Pece PS in Gulu City, ground-breaking and foundation stone laying for the construction of a wall fence around Kaunda Grounds, and separate meetings with boda boda associations and market women groups.

“People of greater North, whoever boycotts this session, don’t send that person back to parliament because we are going to discuss issues that concern your area, and that business of saying we are not going to Gulu…those people don’t love you,” Among said.

She further explained that the regional sittings are meant to bring parliament closer to the people and that the funds meant for the sittings were budgeted for.

“This is for us (Parliament) to understand the issues that are affecting the people of the north. We are going to spend money in Gulu and that money is budgeted for and is legal,” Among emphasized.

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