
One year of Tinubu's oil and gas reforms: Counting the gains — Daily Nigerian

By Olutayo Isaac —

However, over the years, Nigeria’s oil and gas sector has been plagued by neglect, lack of investments, lack of transparency, and overall ineffectiveness.

Experts in the sector attribute regulatory mismatch, bureaucratic bottlenecks instituted corrupt practices among stakeholders as well as a lack of accountability as reasons why the sector has not lived up to expectations.

Sadly, over the years, oil theft, bunkering, and pipeline vandalism affected the country’s production figures to the extent that Nigeria was unable to meet the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) quota. This has affected revenue and the government’s ability to provide basic social amenities and infrastructure like education, health care, roads, pipe borne water, etc. for Nigerians. Also, the four state-owned refineries in Port Harcourt, Warri and Kaduna, became comatose, making the country depend on importation for domestic consumption.

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