
NCAA declares airports safe as train services stop

The Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection of the NCAA, Michael Achimugu, insisted that there was adequate security at the airports while speaking on the situation at the facilities.

“Security is okay at the airport. I’m currently talking to you from the airport. I’m going around on a path-finding with my team. We just left local, we are headed to international. Everything is going on smoothly,” Achimugu stated.

He noted that “security is tight. Security agencies like the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria Aviation Security and NCAA made adequate preparations and planning before today. So we are assuring passengers of security so long as the airlines are operating.”

However, Achimugu noted that two domestic airlines, Overland and Valuejet, announced that they would not be operating for the day.

“One or two domestic airlines have announced to their passengers that they will not be operating today. Overland and Valuejet are not operating today. All other flights have been on schedule and everything is under control,” he explained.

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