
Museveni to use intelligence systems to fight corruption

President Yoweri Museveni has once again warned corrupt officials to stay away from public resources, saying they are in their "last evening."

Speaking at the national Independence Day celebrations held at Busikho Primary Teachers College in Busia District, the president said that his intelligence systems will ensure thorough disciplinary action against those involved in corruption, including recovering stolen funds.

President Museveni expressed shock at a recent Inspector General of Government report revealing that civil servants, some earning triple his salary, are the most corrupt. “This is not acceptable, and we are going to crush them," he stated firmly.

In addition to addressing corruption, Museveni highlighted the achievements of his government since 1986, noting that Uganda’s economy has grown nearly tenfold, and the GDP per capita has quadrupled. He praised the improvements in health, education, and infrastructure, including the elimination of power shortages and Uganda’s power exports to neighboring countries.

The president also outlined future projects, such as the revival of the meter gauge railway and the construction of the standard gauge railway, which he said would reduce transport costs for Ugandan traders. He urged leaders and the people of Eastern Uganda to seize opportunities associated with railway development and to engage in economic activities to help more Ugandans join the money economy.

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