
Museveni to meet families involved in 640-acre land wrangle in Kiruhura

President Museveni plans to meet the families of the former Bishop of East Ankole, Kosiya Shalita and Christopher Kajundira, who have been embroiled in a three decade long land dispute.

The two families are fighting over the ownership of land measuring more than 640 acres located in Kikatsi Sub-county, Nyabushozi County, in Kiruhura District.

What started as a simple boundary conflict between the late Shalita and Kajundira in 1969 has since escalated to a land wrangle that has dragged on for decades, claimed lives, properties and displacements.

In a September 22 letter to Mr Norbert Mao, the Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister, Mr Museveni said he wants to meet the two families to resolve the conflict.

He was responding to Mr Mao’s August 22 letter on the matter.

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