
Manjasi Old Boys mobilise for Shs45m piped water system

Manjasi High School in Tororo District has embarked on a major overhaul of its old piped water system, thanks to the efforts of its former students.

The project, expected to cost Shs45 million, aims to guarantee a reliable water supply in the school.

"We feel indebted to Manjasi High School, and we identified water as one of the many challenges that the school needs," said Mr John Michael Ochwo, project manager. "We shall do it in three phases."

The first phase will cover improving water supply to the boys’ and girls' wings, kitchen, staff room, and laboratory. The reconstruction will include replacing old pipes and rebuilding the water reservoir.

The secretary general for the old students association, Mr Elaijah Okello, said the school is dilapidated, and they aim to support its upgrade.

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