
Long-term bipartisan policy key for economic transformation – Prof Kofi Abotsi

Prof Kofi Abotsi

The Dean of Law School-University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), Professor Ernest Kofi Abotsi has emphasised the need for a wide and long-term bipartisan economic policy blueprint – based on the country’s constitution to address its numerous economic challenges.

This, he said, will ensure that the country is not governed based on what he termed as “acyclical partisan policies” that are thrown to the winds when there is a change of government.

“Broad policy blueprints have apparently been missing in our national economic policy dialogue. I think we need long-term economic policies – policies that are bi-partisan and bought into by all political parties so we do not have strictly partisan policies. The partisan policies tend to be acyclical – so any time government changes, then they are discarded.

“We need to have policies that transcend governments – and the way to do that is having a national economic blueprint for policy direction. Our constitution itself has provided an index – so all that’s required of us is to take its economic blueprint and build upon it to achieve economic transformation. The blueprint’s detailed aspects can be the basis of differentials between the parties – where they differ on questions of the details,” he elaborated.

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