
Leaders turn to play-based learning to curb school dropouts

In an effort to combat the rising trend of pupils abandoning school for petty businesses, district leaders have turned to play-based learning as a strategy to increase student retention.

The approach, which integrates play into the learning process, has been shown to keep children engaged and motivated, especially in lower classes. It’s part of a broader initiative to address the high dropout rates that have become particularly prevalent among upper-class students in the district.

Mr Adinan Anguyo, the Yumbe District Inspector of Schools, highlighted the alarming rate of school dropouts, noting that many children are opting for business ventures and early marriages instead of continuing their education.

“Some of the factors for dropouts include inadequate classrooms in most of the schools. When they learn under trees, they get disorganised by rain and sunshine. This makes them lose the morale of studying,” he said.

In most trading centres, it is common to see school-age children engaged in petty businesses during school hours.

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