
Kole widow wins land grabbing case against brother-in-law

Local leaders in Aboke Town Council, Kole District, cannot hide their excitement after a 60-year-old widow regained her land after one year of a protracted court battle.

Ms Lillian Miriam Akao had been embroiled in a dispute with her brother-in-law over a parcel of land measuring one acre since 2023. The land in question is located in Barigweri Cell, Eastern Ward “A” in Aboke Town Council.

The mother of seven, four girls and three boys, narrated that her trouble started when her brother-in-law started dividing half of the two-acre piece of land her late husband, Alex Omara, left behind. Omara died in 2004 after a long illness.

After facing several threats over the land, Ms Akao reported the matter to police at Kole Central Police Station in July 2023. The police referred her to Redeem International, an organisation which partners with local law enforcement authorities to protect widows and orphans from violent abuse and exploitation.

“When my brother-in-law learnt that I reported the matter to local authorities, he threatened to deal with me and in August 2023, I fled to Obong Village, Iceme Sub-county in Oyam District where I lived for one week,” she said.

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