
Kawempe leaders divert garbage trucks to backfill swamp

Local Council leaders of Tuula Cell, in Kawempe Division, Kampala, say they have allowed garbage trucks to temporarily dump garbage in a swamp in their village so as to reclaim it.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Joseph Sserunkuma the Tuula Cell chairman, said leaders held a meeting with the area youth to find out whether it was agreeable with them that garbage trucks, which were stopped from dumping garbage in Kiteezi three weeks ago, can be diverted to their swamp so that the garbage can be used to backfill holes which have been left in the area after clay mining so as to reclaim their football field.

“I am one of the people who started that football field and because of brick making, we have been losing portions because of the holes that have been left after scooping the clay for making bricks. We are using the garbage to backfill the holes and we shall cover it with soil so that we can have our football pitch back,” he said.

Asked why they have allowed the garbage trucks to fill the garbage in areas, which are further than the purported football field that they want to reclaim, Mr Sserunkuma said when they started dumping the garbage in the area, other people who own land in the swampy area, followed suit and they have no control over their decision .

According to Mr Jjuko Lukanga, the secretary for development, they decided to backfill the wetland because since the 1950s Asians have been using the place to mine clay and make bricks.

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