
Jordan’s Islamist opposition party tops parliamentary elections

The Islamic Action Front won 31 out of 138 seats, according to the election commission.

Jordan’s Islamist opposition party has topped the country’s parliamentary elections but fell short of securing a majority, according to official election results.

The Islamic Action Front (IAF), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, won 31 out of 138 seats in the Parliament of Jordan, tripling its representation in the House of Representatives, the country’s election commission announced on Wednesday.

Under Jordan’s constitution, most powers rest with the king, who appoints governments and can dissolve Parliament. The assembly can force a cabinet to resign by a vote of no confidence.

“The Jordanian people have given us their trust by voting for us. This new phase will increase the burden of responsibility for the party towards the nation and our citizens,” Wael al Saqqa of the IAF told Reuters.

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