
'It will revolutionise SA': Points-based and nomad visas coming in 30 days

South Africa plans to roll out a points-based system to issue work visas as well as permits for people who want to live in the nation while working remotely for organisations based elsewhere within 30 days.

Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber said his department and the South African Revenue Service have ironed out the tax implications of the new systems, and he received the regulations for both visa classes on Tuesday.

"A person who is employed and paid in another country will now be able to move to sunny South Africa to spend all of their dollars, yen, euros, pounds or renminbi right here," he said in a speech. Nomad workers only need to register with the tax agency if they spend more than six months of the year in the country, he added.

"Our new remote-working visa must be one of the best deals I’ve ever come across," the minister said. "South Africa carries none of the cost of employing these nomads, yet we reap all of the benefits."

Schreiber is a member of the Democratic Alliance, which finished second in May 29 elections that failed to produce an outright winner. He got one of six cabinet posts allocated to the party after President Cyril Ramaphosa set up a coalition government.

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