
Israeli far-right politicians protest arrest of soldiers suspected of abuse

Ministers and members of Knesset slam detention of nine soldiers accused of abusing a Palestinian prisoner.

Dozens of Israeli protesters, including far-right members of the Knesset, have clashed with military police after at least nine soldiers suspected of abusing a Palestinian prisoner were detained for questioning from the Sde Teiman detention facility in southern Israel.

The protesters waved Israeli flags and stormed through the facility’s gate on Monday to try to prevent the soldiers’ detention as they chanted “shame”. They defended the soldiers, saying they were doing their duty. Several Israeli civilians rushed to lend support to the soldiers, according to media reports.

Some unsuccessfully tried to break into the facility. One soldier was quoted as saying by the Haaretz newspaper that some members of the military directed pepper spray at the military police who came to detain the soldiers.

Demonstrators also tried to breach the Beit Lid military base, where the soldiers were transported, according to local media.

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