
Human rights, family values dominate independence prayers

Human rights took center stage at the 26th Independence Breakfast Prayers held at State House, Entebbe, with various speakers reaffirming their commitment to their beliefs.

On October 8, President Museveni called for the peaceful coexistence of all communities in Uganda, including minority religious groups, to ensure national harmony. He condemned the religious polarisation he had witnessed during the 1960s.

“When we came onto the scene in the 60s, we didn’t agree with this polarisation… In Ankole and Kigezi, people would say ‘our thing, our group,’ meaning Catholics versus Anglicans,” President Museveni recalled.

Uganda gained independence from Britain on October 9, 1962. This year’s breakfast prayer, themed "If the foundations are destroyed, what Will the righteous do?" drew ministers, MPs, top officials, and religious leaders from Uganda and abroad.

President Museveni emphasized the importance of unity, referencing the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan.

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