
Greylag geese with similar personalities have higher hatching success, study suggests

Birds of a feather flock together but strong pairing in geese has been shown to produce better breeding results, according to a new study.

Focusing on a group of captive greylag geese, bird behavior experts from the University of Vienna and Flinders University have looked into the parental benefits of 'made in heaven' matches between well-paired couples.

"Like in humans, the personality of both parents and their similarity in personality traits can influence their success as parents," says Lauren Common, a Flinders University Ph.D. candidate now based at the Konrad Lorenz Research Centre for Behavior and Cognition, University of Vienna in Austria.

"Successful pair bonds where partners were similar in their boldness, mainly by responding to risky situations in the same way, can have higher hatching success. This bold parenting style can lead to consistency and responsiveness, which can result in successful reproductive output and survival of young and fledgling success."

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