
Govt, tour operators fight over Nwoya land

At least 13 safari lodges and hundreds of families could be severely affected should the government reclaim a 10 square miles piece of land in Purongo Sub-county, Nwoya District.

Wrangles the Nwoya District Land Board over the piece of land have sucked in a string of lodges, including Tilenga Safari Lodge, Heritage Safari Lodge, Vilakazi Safari Lodge, Ikorom, Wild Palace, Parkside, Nile Breeze, Barlyec, Bwana Tembo, Nature Lodge, Shoebill, Tango, and Mukuli Safari Lodges. Daily Monitor has established that the Lands ministry, jointly with the Uganda Land Commission (ULC) are scheduled to begin the boundary opening of the land and demarcate the boundaries this month.

In an August 26, 2024 memo to Lands minister Judith Nabakooba, Dorcas Okalany, the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Lands ministry, maintained that the land belonged to ULC. PS Okalany also told Minister Nabakooba that issues surrounding the contested land had been raised before Parliament. The Works ministry PS was reacting to an earlier petition to Parliament in mid-July by Judith Peace Achan, the Nwoya District Woman Representative in the House, who sought government intervention and initiation of a boundary opening over the contested land between the community of Tee Okot Village and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Maaif).

The land under contention was acquired by President Idi Amin's government and used by Maaif before being handed to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation fighters. After some time, the fighters abandoned the land. The Land ministry claims that upon abandonment, the land reverted to Maaif, with the ministry going on to set up an animal quarantine area.


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