
ERA mapping out needs for electric car charging points

Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) has said it has gathered information regarding the regulatory framework required to set up electric car charging stations around the country.

Speaking after a tour of Kiira Motors in Mutai Jinja, Dr Sarah Wasagali Kanaabi, the ERA chairperson, said the visit sought to understand what the company is doing, know its products to appreciate its electricity needs as well as the value addition it brings so that they balance their needs with the interests of different stakeholders.

“When Kiira Motors starts production, their demand for electricity will grow. We came to establish their charging status and balance these interests with different stakeholders. We are going to do a study and come up with a decision,” she said.

Eng Ziria Tibalwa Waako, the ERA chief executive officer, said the visit also sought to understand how much electricity Kiira would require and whether the current substations can provide the quality of electricity needed.

The visit also sought to understand which points along the highways would work well as charging stations so that transmission lines are properly aligned to the function.

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