
Enhanced incentive and regulatory frameworks needed in Ghana’s oil palm sector, study reveals

A recent Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) and Proforest study has underscored the critical need for improved incentive and regulatory frameworks to unlock value chain opportunities in Ghana’s oil palm sector.

The research highlights the potential for creating jobs, protecting the environment, and enhancing rural development through prioritised research, land access, RSPO certification, and sustainable practices.

The study engaged oil palm producers in the Ashanti, Eastern, Western, and Central regions, providing several key insights.

Out-grower schemes, which connect smallholder farmers with buyers in value chains, offer mutual benefits by granting smallholders market access, inputs, and technical support through contract farming.

The oil palm processing industry also yields products such as crude palm oil, palm kernel oil, and palm kernel cake, with crude palm oil dominating production. Additionally, the study found that oil palm waste can be converted into valuable products like organic fertiliser, fibres, and boiler fuel for steam and electricity in large-scale mills.

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