
Emulate success, Olanipekun tells students

He told them to refrain from pulling people down and consciously pick their role models.

“You must cautiously and consciously choose your role models, whether they are from within or outside Nigeria, and regardless of their professions or political/religious leanings. Strive to be like them. Rejoice in the success of your colleagues or friends; emulate their achievements, but never be envious of their accomplishments, for envy breeds bitterness, hatred, animosity, and unjustified feuds. Be true friends rather than foes to yourselves. Refrain from pulling others down.”

Olanipekun added that success comes from activating potential through hard work, diligence, courage, dynamism, honesty, innovation, creativity, thoughtfulness, kindness, and a fear of God.

He said, “To our iconic graduates receiving their certificates in various fields, I urge you not to be despondent or overwhelmed by societal problems and pressures. As this is a Christian university, I encourage you to reflect on the assurances given to Joshua by God Almighty: ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

“Remember, the cowl does not make the monk; your certificates alone will not determine your success in life.

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