
Elucidating the process of smart livestock technology adoption by farmers in Japan

The growth in population, rise in income, and changes in dietary preferences, have led to an increase in the demand for livestock products globally, highlighting the need for smart livestock technologies.

Smart livestock technologies such as automated milking systems, precision feeding systems, and health monitoring devices are needed to ensure food security while reducing environmental impact and ensuring animal welfare. However, to fully recognize the potential of these technologies, it is important to understand their process of adoption by farmers.

In a study published in the journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change, a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Takumi Ohashi from Tokyo Institute of Technology shed light on the dynamic aspects of smart livestock technology adoption in Japan.

"Despite the advancements, smart livestock technologies in Japan are not fully adopted by farmers. This discrepancy highlights the need for identifying the factors that drive or refrain farmers from using smart livestock technologies in Japan," explains Ohashi.

To explore the specific reasons for the slow adoption of smart livestock technologies by farmers, the researchers conducted interviews with 10 experts from the cattle, swine, and poultry industries. These included researchers, salespeople, and technology developers who work closely with farmers on smart technology development and implementation in Japan.

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