
Egyptian potato ‘secret ingredient’ in Macfrut 2025: Expolink

Cesena Fiera and the Egyptian Exporters Association (Expolink) have announced that Egypt has been selected as the guest of honour for the 42nd edition of the international Macfrut exhibition, in recognition of the prominent role of Egyptian companies in previous editions. The exhibition will be held in Rimini, Italy, from 6 to 8 May 2025.

A press conference was held in Cairo, attended by Michele Quaroni, Italy’s Ambassador to Cairo, Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, and Mostafa El Negary, Vice Chairperson of the Egyptian Exporters’ Association. It also featured prominent figures from the agricultural and export sectors, Egyptian companies specializing in agricultural products and supply chains, representatives from specialized shipping and packaging companies, government agencies, and other stakeholders in the sector.

Macfrut is considered one of the most important international events in the agricultural sector, serving as a vital platform for trade deals, opening new export markets, and exploring the latest innovations and trends in the field. The exhibition attracts major companies and specialized supply chains from around the world.

Mostafa El Negary emphasized that Egypt’s selection as the guest of honour at Macfrut would enhance trade relations between Egypt and Italy, and more broadly with the European Union. The next edition of the exhibition will see a significant presence of Egyptian companies specializing in agricultural products, particularly vegetables and fruits.

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