
Dr. Oludare Akinlaja: State of Leadership in Nigeria

The Person of Dr. Oludare Akinlaja?

Dr. Oludare Akinlaja, is a Management Consultant with expertise in Learning and Development, International Development, and Project Management. Over the years, I've worn many hats—advisor, lecturer, author, theologian, and Managing Partner of my consulting company. My work revolves around solving problems and driving growth across various industries. Additionally, I lead Yada Global Network, a faith-based organisation committed to societal change through biblical perspectives. I'm passionate about Africa's potential and dedicated to helping people make better decisions and create value.

Assessing the Current State of Leadership in Nigeria

When I assess the current state of leadership in Nigeria, I find it fascinating yet concerning. Leadership isn't just about those in political positions; it's present in every aspect of life—from how children are raised to how individuals interact daily. Unfortunately, there's a significant leadership deficit at all levels. This isn't the fault of any single person; it's a systemic issue that begins in the family, extends to schools, and permeates society. Many people misunderstand leadership, thinking it requires holding a position of power. However, true leadership is about influence and making positive changes wherever you are.

Addressing Inequality and Social Justice

In light of recent social and economic upheavals, addressing issues of inequality and social justice in Nigeria requires sensitivity and an understanding of root causes. A significant issue is the distrust between the populace and military personnel, which poses a danger to our society. We need to redesign our engagements as a people. For instance, unlike in other parts of the world, military personnel here often wear their camouflage in public spaces, which affects public psychology and engagement. Leaders at all levels must engage in conversations about our societal structures and how we coexist. Rethinking these structures and our interpretations of existence is crucial for effectively solving these issues.

Transparency in Governance

Transparency in governance is a critical issue that reflects a broader lack of transparency in Nigerian society. It's difficult to access information about companies or individuals, highlighting a societal transparency problem. If the government could lead by becoming more transparent, it would set a powerful precedent for the rest of society. However, for transparency to be effective, it must be embraced by everyone, including influential figures like religious leaders.

Education and Leadership Development

Education plays a crucial role in developing effective leadership. It shapes the psychology of a people. However, our formal education system often falls short in fostering critical thinking and practical learning. The current emphasis on rote learning and poorly designed exams does not prepare students for leadership. There's a noticeable difference in critical thinking abilities between students from private and federal universities. To improve leadership, we need to redesign our educational curriculum to focus more on critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

Hopes for the Future of Leadership in Nigeria

Looking ahead, I am hopeful about the future of leadership in Nigeria. I see a positive shift in how young people engage in conversations and how children are raised. Parents are now encouraging children to ask questions and express their opinions, which is crucial for developing critical thinking and leadership skills. This change in family dynamics and the educational system gives me hope that future leaders will be better equipped to address upcoming challenges. By fostering a culture of inquiry and open dialogue, we are preparing a generation that will ask better questions and lead more effectively.


Q: What is the main challenge in Nigerian leadership?

A: The main challenge is a leadership deficit at all levels, stemming from systemic issues in family, education, and society. Many misunderstand leadership, believing it requires holding a position of power rather than influencing positive change.

Q: How can Nigerian leaders address inequality and social justice?

A: Leaders need to be sensitive and understand the root causes of these issues. Redesigning societal engagements and rethinking how we coexist are crucial steps in addressing inequality and social justice.

Q: What role does education play in developing leadership in Nigeria?

A: Education is vital for leadership development. It should prioritise critical thinking and practical learning to prepare students for leadership roles. Currently, the system's focus on rote learning hinders this development.


In conclusion, the path to effective leadership in Nigeria involves understanding and addressing systemic issues at all levels of society. By fostering critical thinking, promoting transparency, and rethinking our societal structures, we can create a generation of leaders capable of driving positive change. I remain hopeful that with these changes, Nigeria's future leaders will be well-equipped to meet the challenges ahead.

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