
Dear Ismail al-Ghoul: The world has forgotten us. We won’t forget you

As the war turns 300 days old, the latest killing of colleagues is a reminder to all journalists in Gaza: We are alone.

Deir el-Balah, Gaza, Palestine – I sat on my knees, heartbroken and trembling.

We were on the cusp of marking 300 days of the Gaza war — a tragic milestone. But tragedy wasn’t nearly done with us.

We had woken up on Wednesday to the news of the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas political boss. People’s faces were marked by sorrow and frustration as I reported on the reactions to his killing from Gaza. As they mourned a prominent leader, Israeli raids continued.

I finished my interviews and went to the Al Jazeera tent at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to write. Amid my work, I watched ambulances bring more bodies to the hospital, saw people crying and collapsing in grief.

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