
Daily Maverick co-founder Branko Brkic steps down as editor-in-chief

Branko Brkic has stepped down as editor-in-chief of Daily Maverick, the news and analysis website he co-founded, after 15 years at the helm.

The site was founded by Brkic and CEO Styli Charalambous in 2009.

Daily Maverick reported on Thursday that Brkic was "relinquishing his day-to-day duties", but will still be involved in "other aspects" at the company. His deputy, Jillian Green, will take over as editor-in-chief.

"It’s been an honour and privilege of my lifetime to serve people of South Africa. The Daily Maverick journey was from the first, and it will be to the last day, a period that has truly defined me," Brkic was quoted as saying.

"After 15 years, it’s time for me to try other things in life, perhaps life itself too."

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