
Cultural institutions launch programme to revive moral values, ethics

The government has pledged to support the new programme launched by five cultural institutions to revive moral values and ethics across the country.

Dubbed ‘Obuntubulamu,’ the values-based programme, which the Nnabagereka Development Foundation spearheads, seeks to promote honesty, integrity, empathy, cleanliness, humility, civic engagement and social responsibility. It will be implemented by the cultural institutions of Acholi, Alur, Buganda, Bunyoro and Busoga.

Vice President Jessica Alupo, in her speech read by Gender Minister Betty Amongi, said the programme fits well into the government's socio-economic transformation agenda.

“This programme that we are launching today is a most welcome contribution to enhancing the implementation of government policies and plans as our cultural institutions play a significant role in the social transformation of the nation. They have promoted diversity and encourage respect for all cultural groups, thus fostering social cohesion and tolerance,” Ms Alupo said at the launch of the programme at Sheraton Kampala Hotel on September 20.

“Cultural institutions contribute to economic growth through the creation of jobs, especially in areas such as tourism, hospitality and the creative arts, this has an impact on the economic well-being of people and the country's overall prosperity social values such as community, compassion, justice, cooperation and well-being are fostered by cultural institutions,” she added.

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