
COP29: CCCD urges global leaders to raise climate financing

He said, “There is a severe shortage of resources needed to confront the growing impacts of climate change disasters.

“Developed nations should take the lead in getting global efforts back on track by mobilising sufficient climate finance to meet the scale of the challenge, moving beyond mere rhetoric and broken promises. Developing nations are the most affected and vulnerable to the global climate crisis, as evidenced in the devastating floods in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria for example.”

According to Okereke, inequality, conflict, and development challenges exacerbate vulnerability to climate change.

Referencing reported data, the don projected that developing countries would need an estimated $5.8-5.9tn to implement their nationally determined contributions by 2030, noting that adaptation finance could reach $1.7tn annually by 2050.

He stressed that the priorities outlined in the Allied Climate Transformation 2025 initiative were essential and non-negotiable.

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