
Banyala ask Museveni gazette their cultural leader

The Bunyala chiefdom leaders have asked President Museveni to clear the gazettment of their cultural leader, the Ssabanyala, so that he too can enjoy all the government benefits like other cultural leaders.

The Ssabanyala Maj Rtd Baker Kimeze Byarufu, who ascended to the throne in 2009 after the death of his father Nathan Mpagi has never been gazetted, which has made him to miss out on some of the entitlements given to all cultural leaders by the government, his subjects said.

Speaking during the Ssabanyala’s 16th coronation anniversary held over the weekend at Bbaale Hill in Bbaale Sub-county, the chiefdom premier Rev Wilson Galimaka said that even though the Banyala leaders had for a long time moved to all government offices “chasing” for the gazettment of their cultural leader, their demand has not yielded fruit.

“The Banyala like other ethnic groups have a right to have their cultural leader gazetted. We have moved to all government offices but we have been told that the only person with the key to the gazettment of our cultural leader is President Museveni,” a tough-speaking Rev. Galimaka noted.

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