
Augmented/virtual reality can help extend critical infrastructure lifespan

University of Waterloo engineers are turning to augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) to better understand—and maintain—the physical reality of Canada's critical infrastructure. Their research is published in the journal Automation in Construction.

On-site inspectors are typically limited in what they can observe when inspecting bridges, roads, towers, pipelines, and other structures because they can't always see or detect every potential problem within large infrastructure

To help fix this issue, Waterloo professor Dr. Chul Min Yeum and his colleagues have developed a cutting-edge system called the Smart Infrastructure Metaverse that uses AR/VR to allow on-site and off-site inspectors to interact with each other as they view both the real structure, and a 3D scanned replica model at the same time.

Not only does their system produce more rapid, comprehensive, and complete results than traditional on-site visual examinations, but it also provides a greater context for problems within the entire structure.

Their innovative work meets an urgent need. Much of Canada's vital infrastructure was constructed in the mid-20th century and is now nearing or exceeding its lifespan, a situation that poses serious public safety risks. Yet replacing these structures would cost a staggering $264.7 billion, according to Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey. Yeum's solution combines several advanced technologies so problems can be addressed quickly and the life expectancy of infrastructure extended.

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