
Analysis of heterostructures for spintronics shows how two desired quantum-physical effects reinforce each other

Spintronics uses the spins of electrons to perform logic operations or store information. Ideally, spintronic devices could operate faster and more energy-efficiently than conventional semiconductor devices. However, it is still difficult to create and manipulate spin textures in materials.

Graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb structure built by carbon atoms, is considered an interesting candidate for spintronic applications. Graphene is typically deposited on a thin film of heavy metal.

At the interface between graphene and heavy metal, a strong spin-orbit coupling develops, which gives rise to different quantum effects, including a spin-orbit splitting of energy levels (Rashba effect) and a canting in the alignment of spins (Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The spin canting effect is especially needed to stabilize vortex-like spin textures, known as skyrmions, which are particularly suitable for spintronics.

Now, however, a Spanish-German team has shown that these effects are significantly enhanced when a few monolayers of the ferromagnetic element cobalt are inserted between the graphene and the heavy metal (here: iridium). The samples were grown on insulating substrates, which is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of multifunctional spintronic devices exploiting these effects.

The research is published in the journal ACS Nano.

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