
Wakiso schools offer 150 bursaries to children of Lubigi evictees

Pupils from families whose homes were demolished during a the recent NEMA crackdown to rescue and restore Lubigi wetland have been offered 150 full bursaries to pursue their studies from different schools in Wakiso District until they complete their primary course.

The bursaries have been offered by school proprietors in Namayumba through their umbrella body, Namayumba Private Schools Association (NAPSA).

“The bursaries are open, but priority will be given to the children of those people who were evicted,” said Joshua Ssemakula, a director at one of the NAPSA schools called Raise up a child Schools.

Prospective beneficiaries hailing from Ganda-Nassere, Kiwuuwa, and Nansana West 11A, among other villages, have started registering for the offer which starts effective next term.

Ssemakula said he was following all the events as they unfolded since the demolitions started, which prompted him to engage his fellow directors to make an impact on lives of the affected children.

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